Unveiling the Demands: Inside the Negotiations for the Biden-Trump Debate Showdown

The highly anticipated presidential debates are just around the corner, and tensions are running high as the Biden and Trump campaigns battle it out for the best terms. Behind closed doors, negotiations have been taking place, with both sides presenting their demands for the showdown.

As the deadline draws near, the pressure is on to reach an agreement that satisfies both parties. Let's take a closer look at the list of restrictions that the Biden team has put forth, and what it could mean for the upcoming debates.

First and foremost, the Biden team has requested that all participants undergo COVID-19 testing before entering the debate venue. With the ongoing pandemic, it's no surprise that this is a top priority for the Democratic nominee. This demand highlights the seriousness of the situation and the need to ensure the safety of all involved. It also shows that the Biden campaign is taking a proactive approach to the potential risks of holding a live debate.

Another key demand from the Biden team is the inclusion of a "mute button" for the moderator to silence a candidate's microphone if necessary. This comes in response to the chaotic first debate between the two candidates, where interruptions and cross-talk were rampant. The idea behind this restriction is to ensure a more civil and organized debate, with each candidate given a fair chance to express their views without being constantly interrupted.

In addition to these technical requirements, the Biden team has also put forth demands for the topics that will be discussed during the debates. These include the COVID-19 pandemic, the economy, race relations, and climate change. This shows a clear focus on the pressing issues facing the country and highlights the Biden campaign's determination to keep the debates relevant and informative.

Furthermore, the Democratic nominee's team has requested that both candidates be given equal speaking time, with the possibility of cutting the debate short if one candidate continually exceeds their allotted time. This demand speaks to the desire for a fair and balanced debate, where each candidate has an equal chance to share their views and rebut their opponent's arguments.

The Biden team has also requested that the candidates not shake hands before or after the debate, as a precautionary measure against the spread of COVID-19. This may seem like a small detail, but it is a reflection of the current reality and the importance of adhering to safety guidelines. It also highlights the gravity of the situation and the need for both candidates to set an example for the American people.

Furthermore, the Democratic nominee's team has put forth demands for a more diverse panel of moderators, including a Black or Latino journalist. This request aligns with the Biden campaign's focus on diversity and inclusion, and it sends a message that all voices should be represented and heard during the debates.

Last but not least, the Biden team has requested that the debates have a live fact-checking system in place. This would allow the moderator to fact-check any false or misleading statements made by either candidate in real-time. This demand reflects the importance of truth and accuracy in the debates, and it could potentially prevent the spread of misinformation to the American public.

As negotiations continue, it remains to be seen whether the Trump campaign will agree to all of these demands or push for their own. One thing is for sure, the debates will be a crucial moment in the race to the White House, and the terms set forth by both campaigns will play a significant role in shaping the outcome. So mark your calendars and get ready for a heated, but hopefully more organized, debate between the two candidates.

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