Kamala Harris Embraces Popular Communist Slogan Amid Criticism

Vice President Kamala Harris has stirred controversy by embracing the slogan "Forward," a term historically associated with communist regimes, particularly Fidel Castro's dictatorship in Cuba. During a speech at the Democratic National Convention in Chicago, Harris, the de facto Democratic nominee for president, repeatedly invoked the term, calling on the nation to "move forward" and "chart a new way forward" under her leadership​.

The slogan has deep roots in communist ideology. In Cuba, "Adelante," the Spanish equivalent of "Forward," was used extensively by Castro's regime. It even became the name of Cuba’s official state newspaper, launched in 1959. The slogan "Forward" has also been linked to the American Communist Party, raising concerns among critics about Harris's political rhetoric. Many are drawing parallels between her messaging and the symbolism used by leftist totalitarian regimes​.

This is not the first time the Democratic Party has faced accusations of leaning into socialist or communist themes. In 2022, the Democratic National Committee used "Adelante" for its Latino outreach program, which some argued was poorly received by many in the Hispanic community. The choice to use a slogan so closely tied to Latin American socialist movements drew criticism from within the party itself. Some prominent Democrats, including former House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, have cautioned against alienating voters with "loose talk of socialism"​.

Harris's decision to adopt "Forward" as a campaign theme echoes a similar move by former President Barack Obama during his 2012 re-election bid. Obama’s use of the slogan, however, did not generate the same level of controversy.

Shepard Fairey, the artist behind Obama’s famous "Hope" poster, designed a new campaign poster for Harris featuring the word "Forward" along with an image resembling the vice president. Critics argue that Harris’s use of this slogan, coupled with the symbolic poster, reflects a concerning alignment with far-left ideologies​.

As the nation prepares for the 2024 election, Harris's rhetoric is being heavily scrutinized. Some conservatives see it as another example of the Democratic Party's drift toward socialism. John Rich, a country music star, recently commented that the 2024 election represents a stark choice between "communism versus freedom." This sentiment has been echoed by many right-leaning commentators, who believe Harris's policies and messaging point toward an authoritarian agenda​.

The controversy over the "Forward" slogan is part of a larger narrative surrounding Harris's candidacy. As she seeks to position herself as a "change" candidate, the vice president has faced growing skepticism over her political past and her association with policies viewed as overly progressive or socialist. Her critics argue that her messaging aligns too closely with communist ideologies, which they see as a dangerous direction for the country​.

Harris, however, has defended her use of the slogan, arguing that it represents a desire to move the country beyond the divisiveness of the last decade. She has positioned herself as a leader who can unify a fractured nation and lead it into a more equitable future. Still, the backlash from conservative commentators suggests that her choice of campaign language will remain a point of contention as the 2024 election approaches​.