Poll Reveals Majority of Americans Oppose Sex Changes for Minors

A recent poll has revealed that a significant majority of Americans oppose sex-change procedures and the use of puberty blockers for minors. The survey, conducted by Rasmussen Reports, found that 58% of respondents are against such interventions for children under 18, with nearly half of these individuals expressing strong opposition. This finding highlights the growing divide in public opinion over gender-affirming care for minors.

The poll, which surveyed 1,237 American adults between August 7 and August 11, 2024, also revealed sharp partisan divides on the issue. While 47% of Democrats support gender-transition surgeries and drugs for minors, a mere 13% of Republicans and 27% of Independents share this view. These numbers underscore the stark contrast between the political left and right on this contentious issue.

Moreover, the survey found widespread concern over the role of schools in guiding children through gender identity issues. Nearly half of all respondents (47%) opposed allowing schools and teachers to counsel students on their gender identity without parental consent. Republicans were particularly adamant, with 59% opposing such actions, compared to 40% of Democrats and 42% of Independents. This reflects a broader unease among Americans about the influence of educational institutions over children’s upbringing without parental involvement.

In addition to the debate over gender identity counseling, the poll revealed that 39% of Americans believe schools are doing too much to accommodate transgender students. This sentiment is most pronounced among Republicans, with 59% saying that schools overstep, compared to 24% of Democrats and 38% of Independents. Conversely, 24% of respondents believe schools are not doing enough to support transgender students, indicating that opinions are deeply divided even within the broader public.

The findings from this poll align with other recent surveys that show strong public opposition to gender-transition procedures for minors. For instance, a survey by the Convention of States Action/Trafalgar Group reported that 78.7% of Americans believe minors should wait until adulthood to undergo sex-change surgeries or use puberty blockers. This overwhelming consensus spans across political affiliations, with 96.8% of Republicans, 84.6% of Independents, and 53.2% of Democrats agreeing that these procedures should be restricted to adults.

This broad opposition to sex changes for minors comes at a time when several states are introducing legislation to restrict or ban gender-affirming care for children. Notably, Georgia Republican Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene has introduced the "Protect Children's Innocence Act," which aims to make it a felony to provide gender-transition treatments to minors. Such legislative efforts are gaining momentum as more Americans express discomfort with the idea of minors undergoing irreversible medical procedures.

The poll's findings reflect a significant shift in public sentiment on the issue of gender identity and medical interventions for children. As the debate over gender-affirming care continues to heat up, these numbers suggest that a substantial portion of the American public is increasingly skeptical of allowing minors to make life-altering medical decisions at a young age.

These poll results are likely to fuel ongoing legislative battles and influence the 2024 election, where candidates' stances on this issue could sway voters. As more states consider enacting laws to protect minors from what many see as premature and potentially harmful medical procedures, the debate over gender identity and children's rights is set to remain a focal point in American politics.