Whistleblowers Claim Tulsi Gabbard Is Under Surveillance by Federal Air Marshals

In a startling revelation, federal air marshal whistleblowers have come forward claiming that former Representative Tulsi Gabbard has been under surveillance by the Federal Air Marshal Service (FAMS). This revelation has raised significant concerns about governmental overreach and the use of surveillance on U.S. citizens, particularly those who have been vocal critics of the current administration.

The whistleblowers, who chose to remain anonymous due to fears of retaliation, disclosed that Gabbard, a former Democratic congresswoman from Hawaii and 2020 presidential candidate, was placed under surveillance during her domestic travels. According to the whistleblowers, the surveillance began as early as 2020 and continued into 2024. The exact reasons for targeting Gabbard remain unclear, but the implications suggest a troubling misuse of federal resources to monitor political figures.

Gabbard, known for her outspoken views and criticism of both Democratic and Republican leadership, has often found herself at odds with the mainstream political establishment. Her critiques of U.S. foreign policy and her appearances on conservative media outlets have made her a controversial figure within her own party. These new allegations of surveillance add a layer of complexity to her already contentious political career.

The whistleblowers' accounts were corroborated by documents reviewed by Business Insider, which detail instances of federal air marshals being assigned to monitor Gabbard during her flights. These assignments were reportedly justified under the pretext of ensuring flight security, a claim that the whistleblowers and several legal experts have called into question​.

In response to these allegations, Gabbard expressed her shock and concern over the apparent abuse of power. "This is an outrageous and unacceptable violation of our constitutional rights," she stated. "If they can do this to me, they can do this to any American citizen who dares to challenge the establishment."

The Department of Homeland Security (DHS) and the Transportation Security Administration (TSA), which oversees the Federal Air Marshal Service, have not commented on the specific allegations but have reiterated their commitment to national security and the lawful conduct of surveillance operations. However, the whistleblowers' claims have prompted calls for a thorough investigation by several members of Congress and civil liberties organizations.

This incident is not the first time the Federal Air Marshal Service has come under scrutiny for its surveillance practices. In previous cases, air marshals have been accused of targeting individuals without sufficient cause, leading to legal challenges and public outcry. The ongoing debate over the balance between security and privacy continues to be a contentious issue in the United States.

The surveillance allegations against Gabbard also highlight broader concerns about the politicization of federal agencies. Critics argue that using surveillance tactics against political opponents undermines the democratic principles upon which the United States is founded. They call for greater oversight and accountability to prevent such abuses of power.